First off, people will say, "It will make your senior year less special if you go as an underclassmen!" I don't think so. Going to all these other ones I think will make me appreciate my year more. At my senior prom, I will know just about everybody, as opposed to only knowing half. So that will be nice. Also, it will still be special because there is just something about YOUR prom that makes is special. You know?
Second, next year I will get to ask someone to prom. Not the other way around. Being the underclassmen means that I have been the one asked. It's just kind of rude/weird if you ask a senior to their prom. I am really hoping that I come up with a good way of asking someone to prom. I always like hearing about those cutesy ways people ask, and I want to be one of those people.
Third, our class has a lot of money, so we can make our prom extra special. I am extremely excited because, due to excellent fund raising, our class has raised a huge amount of money, so that means we can have more stuff that will make our prom amazing. And not only that, but the tickets will be cheaper!
And finally, as a senior, my dad's long-time friend promised that if I learn how to drive a stick shift, I can take his BMW. So if any of you out there know how to drive a stick and want to teach me, that would be great.
I must say, I am extremely excited for my final prom next year. It will surely be one to remember. And because it will be MY prom, it will be great. It can only get better from here!
Will you enjoy prom?