Sunday, January 24, 2010

Why do I even bother?

Lately, one of my teachers has been on the rampage. S/he gave us a new seating chart because we had been getting off-task to easily. Then s/he decided you could only do extra credit if s/he says you can. What I mean by that is you have to talk with him/her and s/he has to decide if you are "eligible." On top of this, s/he decided that he will give out more pop quizzes to see if you've actually been reading, and s/he is giving less lectures and more time for us to read in our text books. Why do I even bother?

What frustrates me the most about this is that it is only a few people in the class that are making our lives hell. Because these people can't stay on task, our teacher is taking it out on us. Why do I even bother?

If it's not me taking this class off task, if it's not me that has lowered my work ethic, if it's not me being annoying, why is it being taken out on me? I believe that most of the class would agree with me on this one. Why are we feeling the grudge of our teacher if it's not us? Why do I even bother?

I truly didn't intend for a rant, but that's kind of how it turned out. What I'm trying to say is, why is it that if a few people screw up, why should the entire class be punished? Why do I even bother?

This idea is similar to many situations. One of my friends from Monticello made his way to a state meet for track and he happened to be in a relay. In relays, you have to rely on your teammates to do their best and do your best as well. He was/is a very good runner and would have most likely been able to go on to the Drake Relays. But two of his teammates got caught stealing and therefore could not run int he meet. He had to suffer because of his own teammates idiotic choice. Why does he even bother?

Also, a few years ago, through a series of unfortunate events, our prep show choir had to deal with not having 2 of our members. We had to rearrange EVERYTHING, all because they messed up. THEY made a mistake, and WE had to pay. So, why do I even bother?

Why DO I even bother? Because I care. I care that my grade will fall. I care that if I maybe do even just a little bit better, our teacher may change. I care that our show will do better if I do bother.

Will you bother?

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