Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chronic Sneezing: A Self-Diagnosed Problem

Anyone who knows me, or has even just been in a class with me, knows that I sneeze constantly. Not only constantly, but almost always in threes. The bizarre thing is, if I happen to only sneeze twice, soon after that I would make up for it and sneeze once more.

Now you see, as far as I know, I am not sneezing for allergy purposes, I am sneezing just to sneeze. I am completely and utterly stumped. I have considered seeing my doctor, but then again, it's a little quirk I have you know? Nobody else sneezes like I do. When I was in elementary school, we were doing a song about a kid with a cold and I was the one getting to sneeze throughout the song.

Why do I not just hold it in you might ask? It HURTS! I'm telling you. It hurts like a (insert profanity here). There have been many times where I feel it a necessity to hold my sneezes in. For example, backstage at a show, in the audience of a show, onstage at a show, church, well you get the idea. There was one time I was standing onstage and I had to just stand there while I waited for my cue line. I felt a sneeze coming on and I knew if I sneezed outloud, all hell would break loose. So I decided to hold it in. I swear, I have never felt a pain like that in my life. It's like a horrible burning sensation in your nasal cavity. Kind of as if you sneeze a chili pepper up into your nasal passage (I have witnessed this before). It does NOT feel good.

I seem to do this a lot, but on a side note, if you were watching the Grammy's, OH MY GODD!!! Pink was SOOOOO good.

In conclusion, I am most likely never going to stop sneezing, simply because I like to. And if you ever ask me why I don't just hold it in or why I don't make it quieter. Well, I can't help it!

Will you be a sneezer?

1 comment:

  1. I saw your post and wanted to contact you. We are currently casting a new show where we have an expert who helps people better manage what they are going through. Check out our info here and please apply if you want! :

    Casting Producer
