Sunday, January 31, 2010

Excuse me? I'd like to know a little sooner next time...

Does someone ever volunteer you to do something without your permission? If so, you know that most times you think to yourself that you probably would have done it anyway, but it'd be nice to volunteer yourself.

Well, yesterday, my mom comes home from a church meeting and says, "Hey, I told the pastor that you can sing at church tomorrow." WHAAAT?? Sure, I'm always up for singing at church but seriously. I have to learn a new song the day before?

This leads into the whole National Honors Society problem. We have to complete six service hours and so far I have zip, zero, nada, zilch. First off, my sister informed me that when she got inducted into NHS, she didn't even have to have service hours. So why do we now? How do service hours fit into National HONOR Society. Isn't it a society for those that do well in school? Those that try their hardest in all they do? Well apparently it's also a lets get some more work out of them society. I want to disclose that I am NOT bashing on NHS, I just think that 6 hours of volunteer hours are too much. For SNHS (Science National Honor Society), only one service project is needed and one learning opportunity. This seems more feasible to me. Also, for SNHS, I mentioned a learning opportunity. Doesn't that sound like it could be involved in NHS? I think so.

Now by no means am I knocking volunteer work. You should ALWAYS do anything you can to help those in need. Whether it be sending them money, working in a soup kitchen, or even just sending someone a Get Well Soon card. Anything to make someone's life better.

Will you be a volunteer?

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