Sunday, April 18, 2010

Feelin' Stressed...

Have you ever just had one of those weeks where everything builds up and just keeps building inside you? And suddenly you're on the verge of a meltdown? Yeah. That's where I'm currently at...Sweeney Todd (the show my school is currently doing) is this week and I know we aren't ready. Homework keeps piling up. Because of the show, I have no idea what is going on in any of my classes. The March of Dimes is next weekend. I'm not going to get very much sleep this coming week. I still have another blog to do. So yeah, I'm freakin' out a little bit.

Here's the problem, when you become stressed, you tend to shut down, and all you want to do is sleep and/or stare blankly at a computer screen. This is what is going on for me. I don't really feel secure on the Sweeney Todd stuff yet, so that's what is really getting to me. Our director has been pretty irritable lately, mainly because one of our leads has had an extremely hard time getting all their stuff memorized. This frustration, in turn, is taken out on the rest of the cast. And this coming week are the dress rehearsals, which means we will be at school until 9, and the nights of the show we will be at school until 10 or later, so I will have NO time to get my homework done.

So here I am. Feelin' stressed. And all I can do is stare at this blank screen. What's going to come of this? Will I get over it?

Every year, I go through the same pattern. The spring musical puts me under a lot of stress. And every year, once the musical is done, there is a huge relief of stress. Will that happen this year? I sure hope so...

Will you be stressed?

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