Sunday, April 4, 2010

Things that annoy me...Part 3

And really, there is only one thing in this post that annoys me.
EXCESS COUGHING AND NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT! Right now, my sister my sister is coughing just about every two minutes. I am about ready to kill her. And the worst thing about it is that she isn't even covering her mouth. The ironic (not really ironic, but I don't really have a better term) is that if any of us (meaning my family) would do that, she would be the first one to freak out. She is now claiming that she has been taking medicine, but right now, when her coughing is at its peak, she is doing nothing about it. I told her that cough drops with menthol are the way to go, but she keeps using Luden's which are basically just candy and they are doing nothing. She tells me, "I don't like the way they taste!" But who cares? They work. I'd take the gross taste over the not coughing any day. Just brush your teeth afterward for goodness sake.

That is all that is really annoying me right now, and to be honest, I just needed some more words for my word count.

Are you annoyed?

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