I have developed a few reasons. First, respect. Some people find that they are very disrespectful and think they are just rude in general. What makes me question this is, people aren't necessarily used in a derogatory way. Most people just use them for emphasis.
The second reason is from an overall "wholesome" outlook on life. Some people think that when you swear you are dumbing down society. They think of swear words as if they are outlaws and if you use them you should be greatly punished. What I don't like about this is that that is their personal choice. It may be what you believe, but not what others believe. I think of it kind of like the whole forcing religion stuff. People get greatly offended when people try to force their religion on others, kind of the same idea. Am I right?
You see, I will admit that I swear. But only around my friends and MAYBE some adults that I feel completely comfortable with. However, I DO NOT swear around my parents. I feel as if it goes along with the respect thing. I wouldn't want them to swear at me, so why would I swear at them?
The one thing I truly don't get, is when students react to teachers swearing. Just this past week, one of my teachers said, "I was such a lazy ass in high school," and everybody started laughing. That must make the teacher feel incredibly uncomfortable and I feel bad for them. I don't comprehend what makes it so funny that the teacher swore. He's human too.
One final addition, I was watching a television show and they talked about how swearing helps you withstand pain. Why, you might ask? Because when you swear, you somehow add to your pain tolerance. The swearing releases something that makes you experience the pain less.
So, what is the big deal? Why do people (mainly adults) make such a big deal?
Will you swear?
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