I will admit it. I LOVE Harry Potter. I think it is one of the most original, the most fun set of movies ever created.
They have Harry, who is the classic hero. He is the guy who never really finds love, but he is the one that you can always turn to if you need a friend. He is brave and is the "take charge" guy of the movies.
Next, you have Hermione. Hermione is the nerd. Well, not really. She's more of the smart popular girl. She is one that you can count on, but she is also susceptible to fall in love. In the movies, you see the development of her and Ron's relationship. It is clear that they are in love, but both of them are too afraid to admit it. I am currently watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (part of the Harry Potter weekend on ABC Family) and it is at the part of the Yule Ball and Ron was too late in asking Hermione. You can tell it was just killing him inside to know that she had a date with another man when he could have easily asked her the day before.
Ron is next. He's the shy boy. He's very timid and kind of the jealous type. I see him as the robin in the Batman and Robin series. It's not like he is incapable of playing the lead role, it's just that Harry is there to outshine him. I truly believe this is why Ron is as jealous as he is, because he really could be the main man.
Then you have Neville Longbottom. Oh Neville. He's the comic relief within the movies. He comes in every once and a while to put that sort of awkward, goofy touch.
You also have Moaning Mertle. She finds her way into EVERY movie. She is there as the "clue giver" and helps in resolving some sort of problem in the movies. For example, she was the girl that was murdered by the Basilisk in number 2.
Finally, you have Dumbledore. He is the guy that everyone can go to if they have a problem. He is not judgmental, he doesn't care who you are. He is very trusting. He even trusts Snape, who used to be/still kind of is a death eater. He believes in Harry even in the toughest of times. He takes Harry with him in number 6 to find the Horcruxes. He trusts that Harry will not allow him to be weak in his time of need.
All in all, I love the Harry Potter saga. It is a great read and they are all great movies as well.
Will you love Harry Potter?