Thursday, February 11, 2010

March for Babies

Donate (if you can) here!

Click here to help me reach my goal!

P.S. make sure to scroll down at the end of the video.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

It annoys me when...(Part 2)

Well, this will now be part two of things that annoy me. I understand that the title of my page is 'The Eternal Optimist," but everyone is entitled to their annoyances and/or pet peeves.

It annoys me when...

...People say they will do something, then don't. Come on people, just be responsible!

...Girls say they are fat when they are incredibly skinny. They just need to realize that they are incredibly skinny and learn that ONE potato chip isn't going to add 30 pounds.

...People try to push their opinions onto you...kind of speaks for itself.

...I think that I can do more than I actually can. AKA when I say can do this and this and this and this and this and this...etc. You get what I'm saying.

...People refuse to hear the other side of something. AKA people that are close-minded and think that whatever they say is correct and nothing is going to change that.

...Somebody yells "SHHHHH!" and then turns around and starts talking. I understand that that is a hypocrite but that is a specific time it annoys me.

...Someone doesn't think of the consequences before they act. I know that I can be guilty of this, but when someone does something stupid and the act affects a large group of people. People in our prep show choir two years ago know what I'm talking about.

...People don't respond to a question that is asked. Many times have I seen or asked someone myself when once the question as been asked, silence. No responce, nada, zilch. Sometimes they are just spaced out, but when they're not, why don't they respond? That sounds like I'm just being ignored, but what about when it happens to other people? I don't know. It just annoys me.

...People argue about politics when they really have no idea what they are talking about. If you don't know anything about the subject, why are they defending it? A person that I will call "Clippy" is a person that does this, and it is extremely annoying. Clippy also pushes her beliefs on people. But one particular incident was when I wore a political t-shirt during the election just to show where I was giving my support. I didn't wear it to spark a debate or anything, just to show where my thoughts lie. Well, I walk into class and Clippy looks at me and says, "You're wearing that as a joke right?" And I responded, "No?" And Clippy FLIPPED. I mean, Clippy just let it all on me, and everything she said had no base, no nothing of relevance. It was basically saying that I should agree with her because she is always right. Bull shit. I'm not going to conform because one person wants me too. Which leads me onto my next point.

...People who jump off a bridge because everybody elso was doing it. I will admit that I have done that before, but those that do it in EVERY situation are the annoying ones. They say, "Oh, everybody else has an iPod, so I need one too!"

That concludes my list of annoyances. I'm pretty sure I am done with this topic, but I felt as if I needed to get a few more things off my chest. So, thanks for reading!

Will you be annoyed?

"(Picks card up) Abra Cadabra!"

-Jeepers CreepersIf you have never played Quelf, you are missing out. Quelf is perhaps the most fun, most random, most pointless, most entertaining game on this planet.

When you play Quelf, you have to go into knowing that it is completely random, and that while playing the game, there is no strategic method for winning (sorry, Daily Donut). Some examples of what goes on during the game would be: getting to move ahead one space for every group of three things you get into your clothing, saying "Abra Cadabra!" evertime someone draws a card, wearing lipstick, being a personal cheerleader for an opponent, or (my least favorite) using fake sign language while you talk when it isn't your turn.

You see, in Quelf, you have the red, blue, green, purple and yellow cards. The blue cards are dreaded. These are the "Roolz" cards. You have global roolz, action roolz, or one other that is escaping me at the moment. Well, the action roolz are for whoever drew the card. Most of these cards have some sort of outrageous rule that you have to follow for the rest of the game unless you get a card that says you may discard all your roolz. The global roolz card affects all the players of the game and if you do not follow the rule, you must pay the penalty (usually just moving back a few spaces).

Eventually, through many laughs and hysterical events, you will make your way around the game board and (hopefully) win the game of Quelf.

As you can see, if you have not played Quelf, you should definitely find someone who has it and play it. It is sure to keep you entertained for hours. Just make sure that you have an open mind and don't be the party pooper (Daily Donut).

Will you enjoy Quelf?

So no one told you life was gonna be this way...

Junior year. Unless you're an underclassman, you've been there. You know how hard it is. But why does this one year seem to have the most stress, the most work, the most everything? Well, I haven't quite come to the conclusion. Things that add up to this one horrible year would be stuff like, the ACTs/SATs, multiple AP classes, begin college searching, not seniors yet (duh!), etc.

I stated that juniors are not quite seniors. Well duh, it says it in the name. But what I am getting at is that when you are a junior, you have already experienced two years of high school, you feel as if you should be on top, and to add to all that, being a junior means you still have one more year to go.

Some juniors might not agree with the following statement, but for me, I just want to get out of here. I am ready for college (I think). I mean, I have my doubts, but who doesn't? I am ready for that gigantic leap into the real world, to go where you haven't before, to leave home. Last year, most of my friends were upperclassmen and so when they graduated, it made me feel as if I should have graduated too.

Well, the same thing is bound to happen again. Granted, I do have more friends in my class, I just feel like it's my senior year right now. There were only two sophomores that made our varsity show choir last year (me being one of them) and I'm sure the other one (No Big Deal) has a similar feeling that we've already been in the top show choir for one year and the second is generally the last. But for No Big Deal and I, there is still another year.

So, even though junior is supposedly the worst year, I just have a huge feeling that next year as a senior will be worse. The senioritis will kick in, the college applications will start, the days will drag on and on. So...

Will you let junior year get to you?