Sunday, December 20, 2009

Do you believe in Santa?

There is a huge debate out in the world about how old a kid should be before they know if Santa is real or not. For me, I found out pretty early. I was never flat out TOLD that there wasn't a Santa, though. I just kind of figured out. In my house however, we still have Santa bring presents.

Every Christmas Eve we go to church, and while we're out, Santa comes and lays our presents out on the couch. This has happened for as long as I can remember. My parents always told me, "Santa makes a special trip just for you to deliver your presents early." Well, though I thought "That's so nice of him, to take time out of his busy schedule just for ME."

Once I figured out he wasn't real though, my heart became set on finding out who the Santa at our house is. Every time I would ask my mother who Santa is she would just say that it's Santa, who else would it be. At our house, we believe the idea of Santa Clause is ever present in our lives. We believe that there is that person out there that solely believes in giving without any intention of receiving. His purpose in life is to please others.

I present this to my parents that I understand the idea of Santa but I just really want to know who Santa is in our house. I make sure I am the last out the door when we leave, and the first in the house on the way back, but the presents are always out, so that rules out my parents.

To this day, I still have no clue who our Santa is and though I am extremely curious, I think I might just stop trying to find out. After all, what if when I find out, we stop having Santa because the last remaining child who doesn't know found out? So yep, I'm going to stop. Merry Christmas!

Will Santa be real in your life?

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