Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Complete Works of those that are Sleepy

I do not by any means consider blogging a dreadful task. But when one is extremely tired it makes such a task a very hard thing to do. With the musical now done, I have a feeling I will be more on top of this blogging thing. Rather than waiting until the day before they are due.

When a person is tired, their body tends to just shut down. They no longer have the capacity to complete anything that needs intellectual thoughts. Sleep is the necessity to refuel your body with the energy needed to make it through the day. Sleep also "detoxes" the body.

As students try to function in the mornings without much sleep, most, if not all, of the information they are given is not retained. It is basically going in one ear and out the other. Sleep is the way to have energy without all those high sugar, high caffeine drinks many teens drink.

Naps are also extremely beneficial to those that are sleepy. But one must only take a nap of about 20 minutes. The naps that last 2 hours only make you more tired.

People must get sleep. I am about to go to sleep right now so I can function tomorrow at school.

Will you get enough sleep?

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