Thursday, September 10, 2009


So have you ever just had one of those moments where you're just happy??? I am having one of those moments right NOW! For me, its because I found out I did well on a test, but for anyone who's reading, it may be that you just got a paycheck or you got first in some sort of competition. These moments should be cherished. To remember this amazing feeling of happiness, I am blogging about it.

My focus for this blog however, is actually show choir. Show choir makes me happy. That feeling of total happiness came for me when the show choir I am in received the Grand Champion award for the third year in a row. As you sit there just wondering who the announcer is going to say next and hearing your show choir called out for grand champion could potentially be the best feeling in the world.

Show choir for some could be possibly the worst thing on this planet; those people find it boring and completely pointless. More often than not, those people are the ones forced to watch such an activity at pep assemblies or because a sibling may be in it. However, these people are not on stage, they just don’t know the feeling when the entire crowd stands up and cheers, or the feeling when your name is called out from the audience just before you start. You just get this rush of happiness.

Wikipedia defines show choir as a group of people who combine choral singing with dance movements. For the most part, this statement is true. The problem with this definition, however, is that it doesn’t capture the true essence of show choir. As cheesy at this may sound, you truly become a family. The people you are around are all there for one purpose and one purpose only; they are doing what makes them happy.

One final thing to conclude, true happiness doesn’t come from what others believe or what you are forced into doing. That feeling of total happiness comes from what you want to do, what makes you feel like you are doing the right thing in this world. Happiness is what you want it to be, what you allow it to be.

Will you let the happiness fill you?


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